Monday, July 7, 2008

KB Home founder thinks US economy in worst slump since WWII

KB Home founder Eli Broad believes US economy is facing the worst slump since World War II in an interview with Bloomberg. ``This is worse than any recession we've had since World War II,'' Broad, 75, said in an interview yesterday. Broad, the founder of homebuilder KB Home, said the U.S. should avoid a depression on the scale of the 1930s because the country now has sufficient ``safety nets.''
With home sales and prices declining and consumer confidence at a 28-year low, ``I don't see it turning around very quickly,''
``This is the worst period of my adult lifetime,'' Broad said, speaking about the U.S. economy. ``I do not think things are going to get any better'' before the next president takes office in January. Selling off vacant, unsold homes could take ``several years,'' he said.

Full article at Bloomberg.

It is always good to hear from founder and CEOs of companies. You get a more unbiased version than what is touted in the media.

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