Monday, November 17, 2008

Huge bull flag on SDS

Huge bull flag is forming on the SDS. We will have a massive move upwards if we breakout out of this massive triangle. Keep a close eye on this.
SDS is ultrashort S&P 500. DDM is ultrashort Dow Jones. No positions-waiting and watching further action tomorrow.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oil and S&P 500 charts

We had a last 60 min huge engulfing candle on Friday. Now the signs are more clearer. If we break 900- play the long side. If we break 870, we head to test the 840-860 band. Not sure if we will break the 840 band. Things will become very clear by Tuesday afternoon.

Oil is still a falling knife that doesn't see any chance of a rebound. Till then, stay away or short oil.
Here is a weekly chart of oil.

Japan enters first recession since 2001

Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Japan's economy, the world's second largest, unexpectedly shrank in the third quarter, confirming it entered the first recession since 2001 as companies cut spending.

Gross domestic product fell an annualized 0.4 percent in the three months ended Sept. 30, the Cabinet Office said today in Tokyo. Economists predicted the economy would grow 0.1 percent after contracting a revised 3.7 percent in the previous period.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hong Kong also enters into recession

HONG KONG (AFP) — Hong Kong slipped into recession in the third quarter as the global economic slowdown took its toll on the financial hub, government figures showed Friday.

Hong Kong's gross domestic product fell 0.5 percent from the previous quarter on a seasonally adjusted basis, following a fall of 1.4 percent in the second quarter, the Census and Statistics Department said in a statement.

"The growth of the Hong Kong economy slowed notably further in the third quarter, as the external sector slackened amid the faltering global demand," government economist Helen Chan said in the statement.

"And as domestic demand towards the end of the quarter was severely hit by the outbreak of the global financial tsunami that caused significant jitters in the local asset markets."

The standard definition for recession is two consecutive quarters of falling GDP.

Hong Kong joins Singapore, Germany, New Zealand and Italy in reporting a technical recession as the global slowdown bites into economies across the world.



Eurozone enters into first ever recession

The eurozone has fallen into recession for the first time since the single currency was introduced in 1999, official figures show this morning.

Eurostat, the European Union statistics agency, said third quarter GDP across the 15-nation eurozone shrank 0.2 per cent, following a 0.2 per cent fall in the previous quarter. A recession is defined as two quarters of negative growth.

Yesterday, Germany, Europe's largest country, fell into recession for the first time in four years but it emerged today that GDP in France is still growing, up 0.14%. However, Spain admitted today that growth shrank by 0.2 per cent.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Buy CEO statement-earnings

Statement from Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson:
"Since mid-September, rapid, seismic changes in consumer behavior have created the most difficult climate we've ever seen,
Best Buy simply can't adjust fast enough to maintain our earnings momentum for this year."

We are beginning to see signs of consumer-led recession. Watch out ...this credit mess won't look that bad after that starts.

Intel earnings forecast shocks Wall Street

* Intel cuts Q4 rev forecast by 14 pct

* Says demand is weak in all market segments, geographies

* Applied Materials, National Semi also give weak outlooks

* Intel shares drop to 12-yr low, drags on tech stocks

Intel, the biggest maker of chips for personal computers, forecast fourth-quarter revenue of $9 billion, plus or minus $300 million. That compares to its October forecast of $10.1 billion to $10.9 billion, and the average analyst estimate of $10.3 billion according to Reuters Estimates.

"For revenue to be that far down sequentially, it means consumers have basically shut down for the holidays," said Charter Equity Research analyst John Dryden. Intel's third-quarter revenue was $10.2 billion.

Source: Reuters


And now INTC is heading to 2002 lows.

And the market will follow to the 2002 lows. Sooner than later. We STILL DON"T have a capitulation to mark a bottom. Till then no need to buy any stocks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

S&P 500 60-min chart

Looks almost certain that we are headed to the lows. All indicators are providing support for further lows.

China with a 4 trillion Yuan stimulus package

BEIJING – China's massive stimulus package will help contribute to global stability by boosting investment in the world's fourth-largest economy and consumer spending, the nation's top economic official said Monday.

Faced with the prospect of zero export growth, closing factories and mass layoffs, China joined moves by governments around the world to cushion the blow of the global slowdown with the announcement of the $586 billion package.

The plan calls for higher spending on roads, airports and other infrastructure, tax deductions for exporters and more aid to the poor and farmers. Spending on health and education will increase, as well as on environmental protection and high technology.

"We must implement the measures to ensure a fast and stable economic development," Premier Wen Jiabao said at a meeting of government leaders, according to a report read out on the state television. "They are not only the needs of the development of ourselves, but also our biggest contribution to the world."

The government's stimulus announcement appears to exaggerate the size of its plan by including projects already under way, including reconstruction from the devastating May earthquake in China's southwest, said Sherman Chan, an economist for Moody's

"The exaggeration highlights the government's desperation to revive sentiment, which is perhaps the key factor to sustaining growth amid global turmoil," Chan said in a report.

Source: Yahoo news


Questions that remain and will be answered in a few weeks:

Will this revive the commodities again as it is focussed on infrastructure buildout ?
They are planning to spend $14 billion before the end of this year. Will this help kick start the markets for a Santa Rally?
Will this massive spending help the world economy esp US ?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Circuit breakers for US Markets- NYSE

On October 1, 2008, the average value for the DJIA for the preceding month (September 2008) was used to calculate point levels (rounded to the nearest 50 points).
This resulted in the
Level One (10%) circuit breaker set at 1,100 points,

Level Two (20%) circuit breaker set at 2,200 points, and the
Level Three (30%) circuit breaker set at 3,350 points.

Information on SEC page

Pictorial representation on NYSE page:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Buffett Says Now Is the Time to Buy U.S. Equities

Warren Buffett said he's buying U.S. stocks and, if prices stay attractive, his personal investments, as distinct from his stake in Berkshire Hathaway Inc., will soon be wholly in American equities.

Exaggerated concern about the long-term prosperity of financially secure U.S. companies is foolish, and most probably will be setting profit records in years to come, Buffett said.

While short-term stock movements can't be foretold, the likelihood is that the market will recover before the economy or general investor sentiment rebound, and ``if you wait for the robins, spring will be over,'' he said.

Referring to the 1930s Depression, Buffett pointed out that the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached its nadir on July 8, 1932; economic conditions continued to deteriorate until Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in March 1933, and by that time the market had climbed 30 percent.


If Buffett is buying it doesn't mean it is the bottom. Be careful out there. Buffett has the capacity to wait multiple years for his investments to turn positive.

US markets direction not clear

Still stuck in this channel. No need to hurry. Watch how this plays out. If it breaks above the BLUE line, go long with ULTRA-LONG ETFs. Vice-versa if it breaks down.

Nobel Laureate Krugman Sees a `Nasty' U.S. Recession

October 17 (Bloomberg) -- Princeton University Professor Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for economics, talks with Bloomberg's Mike Schneider in New York about the U.S. economy and global financial crisis. Krugman's new book is called "The Conscience of a Liberal." (Source: Bloomberg)

Watch Video

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dollar Libor Logs First Weekly Drop

Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The cost of borrowing dollars in London fell, rounding off the first weekly decline since July, after central banks around the world pumped unprecedented amounts of cash into money markets and governments backed loans.

The London interbank offered rate, or Libor, for three-month loans in dollars dropped for a fifth day, sliding 8 basis points, or 0.08 percentage point, to 4.42 percent, the British Bankers' Association said. It declined 40 basis points this week. The overnight rate for dollars slid 27 basis points to 1.67 percent, the lowest level since September 2004. Asian rates also fell.

This comes in as a huge relief for the credit markets. The gyrations in credit markets have a profound effect on the stock market. Watch the Libor closely.
Also keep an eye of TED SPREAD $TED.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

US Markets 60 min chart

S&P 500 broke above the downtrend channel. Now is this the new formation of a bull flag? Still unclear.

SPWRA earnings

SunPower (SPWRA) Achieved $0.26 GAAP net income per share, $0.60 non-GAAP

Non-GAAP estimate consensus was $0.56

Was down $0.84 premarket and now up $2.00. This is a very volatile stock.
Earnings will only add more volatility. A very good trading stock.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Are Facing an 'Inflation Holocaust': Jim Rogers- CNBC

Markets do not trust the governments' plans to keep struggling banks alive and investors will only calm down when the companies with bad assets are allowed to go bankrupt, legendary investor Jim Rogers, CEO of Rogers Holdings, told CNBC on Friday.
"The way to solve this problem is to let people go bankrupt," Rogers said.

Click here to play video

"Then you will hit bottom and then you start over. The people who are sound will take over the assets from the people who aren't sound and we will start over. This is the way the world has worked for a few thousand years."

The current rescue plans, which will force governments to issue more debt, print money and flood the markets with liquidity, will flare up inflation after the crisis is over and will create worse problems, Rogers warned.

"We're setting the stage for when we come out of this of a massive inflation holocaust," he said.

"I have an enormous amount of cash and I've been using it to buy more Japanese yen, more Swiss Francs, more agricultural products… there's a liquidation phase going on, where everything is being liquidated. They're selling everything in sight."

"In a period like this the way you make money coming out of it is to own the things were the fundamentals have not been impaired," Rogers added.

Source: CNBC

S&P 500 chart- US markets bottom yet ?

If you followed this chart, you would have been out of the market on September 30 and avoided the massive damage that took place in the past week.
Here in the link that I posted on Sept 30 and the chart.
We were at 1164 on Sept 30. And today we went as low as 839 marking the most historic drop ever. I didn't expect such a massive drop but if a trendline break happens and you need to sell and you could have avoided this historic drop !!

Here is current chart of S&P 500.

60 minute view of S&P 500 chart. Very important chart !!

You want the market to break out of this small 60 min channel to consider any meaningful rally or bottom calling. Otherwise, we will still remain in danger zone.
Be very careful and watch action closely to see if the trendline breaks. If trendline doesn't break put money in Inverse ETFs such as SDS as we will go back to lower levels. If the trendline breaks, put money ultra-long ETFs like SSO and DDM.
Good Luck !!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mutual Fund outflows surge

US investors pulled record amounts of money from mutual funds last month - nearly trebling the previous mark set during September 2001 - as they rushed to cash amid market turmoil.

By the close of business on Monday, investors had withdrawn $74.5bn during September, including $50.5bn from equity mutual funds and $24bn from bond funds, according to TrimTabs. In the eight months to the end of August, the funds had attracted total net inflows of $20bn.

Big outflows were under way before Monday's stock market meltdown. On Monday alone, however, investors pulled close to $10bn from equity funds.

Money market funds, which have traditionally been a beneficiary of mutual fund outflows, saw net outflows of $10bn on Monday, indicating that investors remain extremely jittery.

Source:Financial Times

Thursday, October 2, 2008

MOS earnings- misses forecast

Net income increased to $1.18 billion equating to $2.65 per share
Revenue increased to $4.32 billion.
Analysts expected earnings of 2.94 per share

"Momentum has slowed in the phosphates business near-term due to the combined effects of soft seasonal demand, higher customer inventory levels and falling raw material costs," said Prokopanko.

"We might not have to cut back a million tonnes, but we will do whatever is necessary to balance the (inventory) pipeline."

First time miss. This will be very bad for the stock.Stock is down $12 or 17% in AH.
Other stocks in this sector will be dragged down viz. POT, IPI, CF

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senate approves bailout but US futures drop; Dollar rallies

The dollar rose against the euro, approaching a one-year high, after the U.S. Senate approved a $700 billion bank-rescue bill to ease a global credit crisis.

``The ability to secure funds in the money market hasn't improved in the slightest,'' said Akio Shimizu, chief manager of foreign-exchange trading in Tokyo at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp., a unit of Japan's largest publicly listed lender. ``This should support the dollar as banks that need the currency will simply buy it outright in the foreign-exchange market.''

Source: Bloomberg
Everyone was expecting a rally following the Senate vote but the opposite is going on. Futures are down 90+ points; Asian markets are down while Dollar is at yearly high. So, tomorrow oil will be heading down.
I guess the markets will be in a wait and watch mode till the House passes it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Year end redemptions in hedge funds

Many hedge fund investors can withdraw money on Dec. 31. Some funds require that redemption requests be submitted 90 days ahead of time. That means requests have to be in by Tuesday. Other funds require 45 days notice, so there may be another round of withdrawal requests toward the middle of November.

"The major impact is coming," said Sol Waksman, president of BarclayHedge, which tracks assets and performance in the industry.
"If managers anticipate the amount of redemptions correctly, it won't be a problem," he added. "But a lot depends on performance in the last quarter."
The industry is on course for its worst year of performance in at least a decade. If hedge fund returns recover, investors may become more patient and cancel some of their redemption requests before Dec. 31. But if losses continue, redemptions may be higher than expected.

Always follow the big money. If they are getting get out

S&P 500 TA chart- yesterday's (September 29) historic drop

Yesterday's historic drop and today's bounce. Yesterday's candle dropped below my trendlines that have been in place since the beginning of this year. A good trendline is one that can hold through many months of stock movement. Today's candle moved the markets back into the TL. I would want to wait and watch at this moment. A lot depends on the passage of the bailout plan. If this trendline breaks to the downside...then really ..I mean really lookout below.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Indian Rupee worst month and second worst Asian currency

India's rupee slumped, heading for its worst monthly loss since the Asian financial crisis in 1997, as global investors sold emerging-market assets.

There won't be any respite for the rupee in the near term because of uncertainty of the financial crisis being sorted anytime soon,'' said Parthasarathi Mukherjee, president of treasury at Axis Bank Ltd. ``We may see an accelerated fall in the rupee.''

The rupee declined 6.2 percent this month to 46.92 against the dollar as of 9:33 a.m. in Mumbai, the biggest monthly drop since November 1997, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The currency reached 46.9750 last week, the lowest since July 2006.

Overseas investors have sold $9.2 billion more of local equities this year than they bought, according to data from the Securities & Exchange Board of India. They bought a record $17.2 billion in stocks last year which helped the rupee complete its best annual gain in at least 34 years.

Source: Bloomberg

Where to invest after US bailout?

Marketwatch has an excellent article that covers areas of investment in a post-bailout world.

1. U.S. stocks; European bonds
This economic slowdown is global; the U.S. was first to tumble into the mess and likely will be the first out. Meanwhile, Europe is only now beginning to fess up to its own financial problems. European bonds are another matter. Declining interest rates favor bond holders, and investors in euro-denominated securities are responding to the shifting winds.

2. Small-caps
Economic troubles abroad and relatively better growth in the U.S. benefit small-cap stocks, which tend to be domestically focused. At a time when Americans are looking inward, trying literally to get their own house in order, smaller companies have an edge over giant multinationals and exporters.

3. Financials
Look for the Fed to cut interest rates before year-end, and taxpayers may get another round of rebate checks to encourage spending.

4. Consumer goods
Consumer companies -- particularly those with mostly U.S. operations -- are strong defensive plays now and will share in an economic recovery. Mutual funds dedicated to the consumer-staples sector, for example, rose 3.9% in the past three months.

5. Health care
The health-care sector typically holds up in a slowing economy, and this time is no different; the average health-care fund added 3% in the past three months.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Washingon Mutual WAMU failure

NEW YORK (AP) -- As the debate over a $700 billion bank bailout rages on in Washington, one of the nation's largest banks -- Washington Mutual Inc. -- has collapsed under the weight of its enormous bad bets on the mortgage market.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. seized WaMu on Thursday, and then sold the thrift's banking assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion.

Seattle-based WaMu, which was founded in 1889, is the largest bank to fail by far in the country's history. Its $307 billion in assets eclipse the $40 billion of Continental Illinois National Bank, which failed in 1984, and the $32 billion of IndyMac, which the government seized in July.

One positive is that the sale of WaMu's assets to JPMorgan Chase prevents the thrift's collapse from depleting the FDIC's insurance fund. But that detail is likely to give only marginal solace to Americans facing tighter lending and watching their stock portfolios plunge in the wake of the nation's most momentous financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Source: AP-Yahoo

Wow...looks like the bailout will happen sooner than later.
JP Morgan is getting stronger and stronger. Picked them up for $1.9 billion.
They had also picked Bear Stearns for $1.4 billion
Cost to FDIC: $0

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chart of Dry Ships

Dry ships has broken important support at 47s. A trip to 40 or just below 40 is to be expected.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good Synopsis of US Financial Crisis/near meltdown

Bloomberg has an excellent article that summarizes the 10 days that shook the US and world financial markets.

``The credit lines in the American financial system, the lifeblood of the economy, are completely frozen,'' he said, according to Senator Charles Schumer of New York, a Democrat who was in the meeting. Banks had stopped lending to each other overnight, Bernanke said.

That threatened to halt all lending in the U.S., forcing businesses to close and idling workers, the Fed chief said. The Fed also was seeing money being moved out of the country.

``You could have massive failures within days,'' he told the group, and it would go beyond the banking system to ``large name- brand companies,'' according to a congressional staff member who attended the meeting and took notes.

Full Article over at Bloomberg

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oil Chart

Oil finally makes a massive move. The resistance is the black down trendline and the 38.2% fibonacci level. Does oil have the strenght to break out of this downtrend channel.
If the answer is yes- then we go back to buy oil, buy commodity theme.

Oil records biggest rally ever

Crude futures rallied Monday to a high of $130 a barrel -- their highest intraday level in two months -- buoyed by a steep drop in the U.S. dollar and speculation that the Bush administration's proposal to stabilize the financial sector might help revive economic growth.

The October contract expired on Nymex at the end of trading Monday, a factor that increased volatility.

November crude, the new front-month contract, was up $6.62 on Nymex, closing at $109.37.
Tomorrow's action will be key for oil. We are sitting at massive resistance and need to see if Oil has the power to break out of it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

US bailout plan: Why $700 billion

Q. The bailout program being negotiated by the Bush administration and Congressional leaders calls for the government to spend up to $700 billion to buy distressed mortgages. How did the politicians come up with that number, and could it go higher?

A. The recovery package cannot go higher than $700 billion without additional legislation. As for that figure, it lies between the optimistic estimate of $500 billion and the pessimistic guess of $1 trillion about the cost of fixing the financial mess. But the $700 billion is in addition to an $85 billion agreement on a bailout of the insurance giant American International Group, plus $29 billion in support that the government pledged in the marriage of Bear Stearns and JPMorgan Chase. On top of all that, the Congressional Budget Office says the federal bailout of the mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could cost $25 billion.

$700B+ $85B+$29B+$25B= $839 Billion is the current total cost of the bailout.
Furthermore it is $700 billion OUTSTANDING at any point of time. As soon as some of the $700 billion can be unloaded; more loan will be taken to replace it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wachovia Corp Chart

Wachovia Corp is printing a strong bullish candle. Even though the candle is black right now, the very important part is that it is breaking out of downtrend channel. The breakout is happenning on very strong volume. This indicates future higher prices.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Elliott Wave Chart of S&P 500

Chart of S&P 500. See exactly from where it it a coincidence. I believe the short-term downtrend is over and we will start a huge rally from this point onwards.

Resolution Trust Corporation -Style Help from US Govt

Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson briefed Congressional leaders on plans to address the "illiquid assets" on U.S. financial institutions' balance sheets, possibly including the creation of a government facility to take on financial firms' bad debts.

Such a facility would be similar to the Resolution Trust Corporation, which was set up in 1989 to take on all the failed thrift assets during the savings and loan crisis, sources told CNBC.

"What we are working on now is an approach to deal with the systemic risk and stresses in our capital markets," Paulson said. "As we've said for some time, the root cause for the stress in the capital markets is the real estate correction and what's going on in terms of the price declines in real estate. We're coming together to work on an expeditious solution, which is aimed right at the heart of this problem, which is illiquid assets on financial institutions' balance sheets."

Did this help the recovery in the markets? I will share a chart that will show the coincidence

Warren Buffett Buys Constellation Energy

A subsidiary of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway just announced a tentative agreement to buy Constellation Energy for roughly $4.7 billion in cash.

MidAmerican Energy Holdings is paying just $26.50 a share. Constellation's stock closed at $58.37 last Friday and finished 2007 at $102.53.
Source: CNBC


And finally the company got sold and that too at a throwaway price. How many more to go ?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constellation in sale talks- effect of Lehman bankruptcy

Constellation Energy's stock fell from $60 to as low as $13 in a matter of just two days. The company Constellation Energy Group, Inc. supplies energy products and services to wholesale customers, and retail commercial, industrial, and governmental customers in North America.

So, what happened ?

The company's swaps weakened on Monday on concerns about its exposure to Lehman.
Credit default swaps on Constellation's debt jumped to 478 basis points, or $478,000 per year to insure $10 million in debt for five years, from 304 basis points on Monday, according to Markit Intraday.
The cost to insure the debt of Constellation Energy Group soared 60 percent on Tuesday to a record high after an analyst said in a report that banks may pull its credit lines.

And then this:

S&P placed Constellation's ratings on watch "developing," indicating they may be raised, lowered or left unchanged at "BBB," the second lowest investment grade.

And now this:

Constellation Energy Group (CEG - News) shares fell sharply on Wednesday despite the power company's attempt to reassure investors that its credit lines were safe and statement that it was in talks with potential buyers.
Source: Reuters

How quickly does the value of a company change ? These markets are so volatile and so much panic is out there that companies just almost close down. Wow !!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fed bails out AIG in $85B deal

The Federal Reserve Board late Tuesday confirmed it would authorize the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to lend as much as $85 billion to American International Group Inc., which has unraveled in the face of mounting losses related to insurance on complex financial instruments and credit downgrades that forced the company to raise billions in capital. The New York insurance company is the largest in the world.

Bailing out a private company not under its direct purview is an extraordinary and historic move for the Federal Reserve, whose primary roles include setting United States monetary policy and banking supervision and regulation.

All the assets of AIG and of its primary non-regulated subsidiaries are held in collateral to the loan, the Fed said. These assets include the stock of substantially all of the regulated subsidiaries. The loan is expected to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of the firm’s assets. The U.S. government will receive a 79.9 percent equity interest in AIG and has the right to veto the payment of dividends to common and preferred shareholders.

The AIG facility has a 24-month term. Interest will accrue on the outstanding balance at a rate of three-month LIBOR plus 850 basis points. AIG will be permitted to draw up to $85 billion under the facility.

Source: Sacramento Biz Journal


The markets definitely like it. Futures are up huge. Asian markets are up nicely. The interesting fact is FED kept rates steady because this was in the works. So market rally to continue.

Impact of FED rate cuts on stock market

There is rumor and expectation of atleast 25 basis point cut in the FED funds rate. Other proponets suggest a change in language to indicate rate cuts will be made as needed in future.
What we need to do a traders at our end ?
Well first look at this S&P 500 chart- that shows the Fibonacci 50% retracement.
Keep this level in mind and lean more on the long side.
If the above is true:
- Dollar will fall
- Oil will rally
- Airlines will fall
- Market will rally
- and last but not the least- Financials will rally

Approximately 1 more hour to go ....

US markets at 50% Fibonacci retracement

We are at the 50% Fibonacci retracement level in the US markets. This is a very strong support level and we can definitely expect a bounce here. $VIX has not yet reached the panic 37 level. It is at aroun33 level and is leaving a doji candle.

Add to the fact that the market is oversold though not severely oversold. So, I am not expecting a massive bounce starting today but the bottoming process will happen in the next 1-2 days. After that we should be in good bounce mode.

Start looking for stocks on the long side. No shorts or Stay Neutral. Enter long positions in small phases. Today is first phase.

Good luck !!

Monday, September 15, 2008

DOW down 500 points- Still not considered a crash

Dow fell 504 points today following the Lehman bankruptcy and Merrill takeover. But today's market action cannot be considered a crash. Check the volatility index. It shows that there is more to come. I would like to see $VIX at 37s before considering any Long entry.
There was some panic but not enough panic to call a bottom. There are a lot of people expecting the market to be saved. The breadth was horrible today showing that every sector was affected.
No panic - No bottom- Market very risky. Stay in cash or short the market.

Ironically, Dow had fallen 508 points on the Black Monday -October 1987 crash, but that was massive panic and Dow was actually down 22%.

Wachovia Corp TA Chart

Chart of Wachovia Bank. Wachovia breaks the Trendline. Negative CMF. RSi still not oversold.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bank of America buys Merrill Lynch

In a rushed bid to ride out the storm sweeping American finance, Merrill Lynch reached a deal to sell itself to Bank of America for roughly $44 billion.
At $44 billion, or roughly $29 a share, Merrill would be sold at about two-thirds of its value of one year ago, and half its all-time peak value of early 2007. Merrill shares changed hands at $17.05 each on Friday, after falling sharply in the wake of Lehman's looming demise.

Source: WSJ


Merrill closed at $17 on Friday and got bought out at $29 ....Hmmmm
Merrill's John Thain pulled through a very good deal

Global effort in progress to save banks and financial crash

NEW YORK (AP) -- As the outlook for Lehman Brothers' future appeared to dim Sunday, U.S. and foreign banks joined forces to create a plan aimed at inoculating the global financial system against the investment bank's possible failure, a top investment banking official said.

Banks are in tense talks to create a pool of money worth up to $50 billion to lend troubled financial companies, the official said on condition of anonymity because the discussions were ongoing. And officials at the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve are expected to say they are prepared to be more generous in the Fed's emergency lending program for commercial and investment banks .

The plan comes as top government officials and Wall Street executives hold marathon meetings to save Lehman Brothers. The meetings have failed to find a buyer for the troubled 158-year-old investment bank, raising worries that its likely collapse would disrupt global financial markets.

The official also said the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve are pushing Bank of America Corp. to buy Merrill Lynch & Co., though talks are still preliminary.

Expectations that Lehman would survive as a company dimmed Sunday afternoon after Barclays PLC withdrew its bid to buy the investment bank.

Monday Market crisis- Lehman, Merrill Lynch, AIG

Three major financial news on tap. This is one busy Sunday afternoon on Wall Street as Lehman, Merrill lynch and AIG are at stake.

For Lehman, Liquidation Seems the Most Likely Scenario

The fate of Lehman Brothers darkened as Barclays, the sole remaining bidder for the firm, told federal regulators that it was walking away from a transaction.

Bank of America, Merrill Lynch in Merger Talks

Bank of America and Merrill Lynch are in merger discussions. Much remains uncertain and conditions were fluid.

AIG Plans Restructuring

AIG plans to disclose a comprehensive restructuring early Monday that is likely to include the disposal of major assets, including its aircraft-leasing business.

Source:WSJ headlines

How this plays out on Monday morning will have to be watched. Will BAC really pay $25 to $30 per share for Merrill? Will LEH file bankruptcy?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lehman chart said everything

Yesterday's call with this chart was right on the money.
Following the break of the important trendline, something was getting seriously wrong at Lehman. The chart says it all. The Big boys cannot hide it from the price action.
What concerns me most, is the stock couldn't edge back up to its trendline. This tells me Lehman has more worse news to come and is headed below $5.
Lehman news and strategic initaives:

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., reporting the biggest loss in its 158-year history, said it will sell a majority stake in its asset-management unit, spin off real-estate holdings and cut the dividend in an effort to shore up capital and regain investor confidence.

Lehman fell almost 7 percent in New York trading after posting a $3.9 billion third-quarter loss on $5.6 billion of writedowns, worse than the $2.2 billion loss analysts had predicted. The company said it's auctioning off about 55 percent of the asset-management group, including fund-manager Neuberger Berman, and didn't name potential bidders. The real-estate spinoff is expected to be completed in the first fiscal quarter of 2009, according to a statement today.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lehman - is something wrong ?

Something is up at Lehman... It cannot break this very important trendline support just because of Korean bank is not interested. Did something go wrong at Lehman that is not yet disclosed to the media? Or am I just thinking too much ?
Let's wait and watch....

Lehman hits new lows

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. shares fell to a new year low Tuesday amid speculation the investment bank might sell off some of its operations or a stake in itself to raise capital.

Adding to it:
South Korea's Financial Services Commission Chairman Jun Kwang-woo said Tuesday that talks between state-run Korea Development Bank and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

The stock traded as low as $8 this morning. At mid-8s, this is a buy again for a small bounce to mid-10s to 11s.

Monday, September 8, 2008

US Is "More Communist than China": Jim Rogers

The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shows that the U.S. is "more communist than China right now" but its brand of socialism is meant only for the rich, investor Jim Rogers, CEO of Rogers Holdings, told CNBC Europe on Monday.

But Rogers said in the long term the move spelled trouble.

"This is madness, this is insanity, they have more than doubled the American national debt in one weekend for a bunch of crooks and incompetents. I'm not quite sure why I or anybody else should be paying for this," Rogers told "Squawk Box Europe."

Rogers, who is short on U.S. bonds, said these are likely to fall while commodities may rally. The two government-sponsored enterprises don't have good loans on their books, because "everybody else took the good stuff and dumped the bad stuff onto Fannie and Freddie," he said.

From 2010, Fannie and Freddie will have to shrink their portfolios by 10 percent a year until they reach $250 billion, to reduce the risk to the taxpayer, according to the Treasury plan. But this may put additional pressure on the housing market, Rogers said.

"That's going to also ensure that house prices continue to go down. It's going to be harder and harder to get a mortgage."

Investors should not pin their hopes on this year's presidential election for a solution to the problems, as none of the candidates is likely to find one, Rogers said.

"This is a big huge mess and neither one of them has a clue what to do next year. It's going to be a mess."

Source: CNBC

UAUA falls on OLD banktruptcy news ???

Can you imagine UAUA stock dropped from $12 to $3 in a matter of few seconds? I was watching this stock intraday and was shocked to see the reaction. This was my favorite anti-oil play for few months now and it gives you jitters to see such reactions.

Finally found that some stupid age-old bankrupt news leaked out. This just seems to be a play to get shares for cheap. The stock was halted and then reopened at $11. That is a cool 4x return for all those who picked it up at $3. Just unbelievable...Read the following news....looks like a 2002 news came out....How come ??? Doesn't make sense.
I am going to stay away from all airlines.

News here:
"The story was related to United's 2002 bankruptcy filing, and United has demanded a retraction from the Sun-Sentinel and is launching an investigation," the Chicago-based carrier said in a statement.
Tribune said its preliminary investigation into the situation has revealed that "no story appeared today or over the weekend on the Sun-Sentinel Web site or any Tribune Web site regarding United Airlines' filing for bankruptcy."
The story archived on the Sun-Sentinel's Web site contains "information that would clearly lead a reader to the conclusion that it was related to events in 2002," Tribune said. "In addition, the comments posted along with the story are dated 2002."
Source: Market watch

Warren Buffett on Fannie Freddie in August

Back in August(post here), this is what Warren Buffett told about Fannie and Freddie:

* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-Buffett says due to implicit government backing, the two GSEs could borrow without the usual checks and balances. Then needed to keep earnings growing to keep stock market happy and turned to accounting to do it. Agrees they are "too big to fail." Buffett says they would have been gone a long time ago if the government hadn't been behind them. He thinks Freddie and Fannie will survive but shareholders could "lose a lot of money."

*Buffett says that while Fannie and Freddie have looked for cash from the private sector, it won't be enough to save them. Government will have to step in.

Today both stocks closed below $1. No wonder shareholders lost everything.....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Comparing Bear Stearns bailout with Fannie Freddie bailout

Very interesting setups in the markets around Bear Stearns bailout. The exact same setup is present during the Fannie-Freddie bailout. Check RSI levels, Candles, Stochastics and CMF. Do you see the similiarity? Well if the market behaves the same way like it did following the bailout, we are in for a nice run. I have SSO- Ultralong S&P 500 and QQQQ-Oct-48 calls from last Thursday.

Fannie Freddie rescued in the biggest bailout ever

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - In the biggest government bailout in U.S. history, the Treasury said Sunday that regulators are seizing control of home mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Under a sweeping plan, the two companies will be run by the government indefinitely, with the two current chief executives to be replaced and the government investing up to $100 billion in each firm to keep them solvent.

The Treasury said that stock in the company will continue to trade, although powers of stockholders will be suspended until government control ends.

In order to improve the availability of mortgages, Treasury will start buying Freddie and Fannie's mortgaged-backed debt in the open market. The companies will also end all lobbying of the government and eliminate dividends.

Together, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac form the cornerstones of the U.S. mortgage market and own or guarantee almost half the home loans in the country's roughly $12 trillion mortgage market. Over the past year, the companies have recorded combined losses of around $14 billion.

The move puts the U.S. government at risk to lose tens of billions of dollars.
Here is the official release

The eventual burden is on the US taxpayer.
Fannie is down 21% while Freddie is down 20% as of Sunday evening.
I had picked SSO -Ultra-long S&P 500 and QQQQ-OCT-48 calls last Thursday. Not the best entry price but good enough.
Will be selling this on Monday/Tuesday. I will post the S&P 500 chart soon comparing the Bear Sterns and Fannie/Freddie bailout.

Will OPEC cut in Vienna?

The question facing the OPEC oil producer group which meets Tuesday is when, not if, to cut its oil production target as crude prices slide in the face of weakening economic growth, analysts say.

Most analysts surveyed by AFP expect the 13-nation cartel to agree to trim its output informally at its meeting before waiting until later, possibly at a scheduled gathering in December, to alter its official target.

The trimming will be achieved by members, mainly powerhouse Saudi Arabia, agreeing to cut their excess production above their OPEC quota, which would remove oil from the market but not amount to a formal change in policy.

Under fierce pressure from the United States, Saudi Arabia agreed in May and June to increase production to help calm the runaway crude market which reached a pinnacle on July 11, when crude struck 147 dollars a barrel in New York.

"Even Saudi Arabia doesn't want the price to come down too much," said analyst Manouchechr Takin at the Britain-based Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGSE) referring to the moderate and pro-US Middle East producer.

The stakes are entirely different to the last time OPEC members met in March, when crude prices had broken through 100 dollars a barrel and were on a steep upwards trajectory.

This time, oil prices are on the way down approaching 100 dollars a barrel -- a level many members, above all the traditional price hawks of Iran and Venezuela, are keen to protect.

But economic conditions, which determine demand for oil, have worsened considerably, with many European economies facing recession, the United States struggling and fears growing about the emerging economies of Asia. (Source:AFP)


I have not traded the oil market last week. If you observe following Gustav, the market never provided an edge. We will have to wait and see.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oil headed to mid-90s

Oil is breaking an important support- both the trendline and the important 200 EMA.
The next supports are below 100 and more specifically in mid-90s. This will be a big massive move down. At this time, Oil is down $7 to $108. It closed at $115 on Friday evening. The hurricane Gustav spared the oil refineries leading to this massive decline.

I am going to chase shorting oil stocks and long market and airline stocks. This is a confirmed action. I will be posting the stocks I will be playing today and during the next few days.

Good Luck !!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Foreclosure fallout: House goes for $1

One dollar can get you a large soda at McDonald's, a used VHS movie at 7-Eleven or a house in Detroit.

The fact that a home on the city's east side was listed for $1 recently shows how depressed the real estate market has become in one of America's poorest big cities.

And it still took 19 days to find a buyer.

The home, at 8111 Traverse Street, a few blocks from Detroit City Airport, was the nicest house on the block when it sold for $65,000 in November 2006, said neighbor Carl Upshaw. But the home was foreclosed last summer, and it wasn't long until "the vultures closed in," Upshaw said. "The siding was the first to go. Then they took the fence. Then they broke in and took everything else."

Put on the market in January for $1,100, the house had no lookers other than the squatters who sometimes stayed there at night. Facing $4,000 in back taxes and a large unpaid water bill, the bank that owned the property lowered the price to $1.

$1 sale to cost bank $10,000

While it's not unusual for $1 to be exchanged when property is transferred for legal reasons, listing a home in the Multiple Listing Service for $1 was surprising and unsettling to Kent Colpaert, the listing real estate agent for the property.

"I've never seen a home listed for $1," Colpaert said.

"But it's been hit hard: It's just a shell."

On Tuesday, listed one other single-family home, one duplex and one empty lot at $1 in Detroit.

(Source-Detroit news)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gustav now a Category 4 hurricance

HAVANA -- Gustav swelled into a fearsome Category 4 hurricane with winds of 145 mph on Saturday as Cuba raced to evacuate more than 240,000 people and Americans to the north clogged highways fleeing New Orleans.

It could become a Category 5 storm over the Gulf of Mexico by Sunday, with winds of 160 mph according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami. Gustav already has killed 81 people in the Caribbean and it was on a course for the Katrina-battered U.S. coast.
(Source WSJ)

Oil traders around the world are closely tracking the strength and the direction of Gustav. This could mean a breakout or breakdown in Oil.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ABK Impressive one day gainer

I played intraday this amazing one day runner in ABK. ABK jumped up following MBI news that came in AH yesterday.

MBI which has lost its triple-A ratings, will reinsure $184 billion of municipal bonds issued by Financial Guaranty Insurance Co., netting about $741 million in the deal.

During the credit storm, MBIA and other bond insurers have been hit by their exposure to collateralized debt obligations linked to mortgages that have plunged in value. The companies provide insurance against bond defaults, and MBIA and other financial guarantors have been squeezed by higher claims from CDOs and other debt instruments. (Source marketwatch)

I picked up ABK for two reasons- low priced stock and Stochastics was about to turn.
Another main reason was the 6.0 resistance line. I picked the first lot below 6 after market opened at 5.87. Second lot on breakout at 6.03, third lot at 6.16 and fourth lot at 6.23.
Then just let it sail all the way. Sold before market close.
This stock will attempt but right now it is too overbought and is bounc to pullback a bit.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Airline Stocks and Oil Stocks- negative correlation

Oil at resistance

Airline at support

Hurricane Gustav

Oil markets will be fully focussed on Hurricane Gustav. Whether it will Category-3 or Category-4.
Likewise, check airline stocks and oil stocks as counter plays in each direction.

AP News:

Oil prices rose to above $117 a barrel Wednesday on concerns that Tropical Storm Gustav may disrupt operations in the Gulf of Mexico, home to a quarter of U.S. crude production.

By midday in Europe, light, sweet crude for October delivery was up $1.40 at $117.67 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $1.16 overnight to settle at $116.27 a barrel.

In London, October Brent crude rose $1.15 to $115.78 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

"It's obviously been a factor playing on the minds of oil markets at the moment," said David Moore, commodity strategist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Sydney. "There's a potential impact on production in the Gulf of Mexico area."

Gustav roared ashore on Haiti Tuesday near the city of Jacmel as a hurricane with top sustained winds near 90 mph (145 kph). The National Hurricane Center said the storm's winds dropped from hurricane-strength to 60 mph (95 kph) Wednesday. The storm was centered about 80 miles (125 kilometers) west of Port-au-Prince. But the storm's expected to get stronger later this week and continue moving toward the west-northwest.

The center says the storm could become a Category 2 hurricane Thursday, with winds of 96 mph or higher, on its expected path between Cuba and Jamaica.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rupee hits 17 month low against dollar

MUMBAI: The rupee fell to its lowest in 17 months on Monday, hit by a weak stock market and some lumpy orders in a holiday-thinned market that was also factoring in some recent dollar strength.

The partially convertible rupee ended at 43.59/60 per dollar, recovering slightly from a intraday low of 43.70, its lowest level since March 29, 2007.

The rupee fell 1.33 percent from Thursday's close of 43.01/02, its biggest percentage fall in a year. It has fallen by 3.5 percent in the last five sessions and is down 9.6 percent in 2008. It rose more than 12 percent in 2007.
(Source-Economic times)

The rupee fell by the most in a week as refiners including Indian Oil Corp., the country's biggest, took advantage of a two-day rally to buy dollars at a cheaper rate. Demand for the U.S. currency typically increases at the end of every month when import payments are due. Capital inflows slowed as global funds sold local stocks, further weakening the currency.

Dollar keeps advancing as global economy gets slower

The dollar rose to a six-month high against the euro on evidence the greenback will be the main beneficiary from a global economic slowdown as German business confidence dropped in August more than forecast.

The U.S. currency increased to the highest level versus the Australian dollar in almost a year and gained versus the New Zealand dollar.

Sterling declined to the weakest level versus the dollar in two years as an industry report showed mortgage levles held last month near a decade low.
(Source Bloomberg)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

TA Chart of United States Oil Fund- USO

Last week, Oil broke through the down trendline that was in place for a month and then started building a small uptrend. This was decisively broken on Friday morning following the Lehman news and Dollar rally.
Now it again looks very weak and prone to further damage. Picture would change if it moves back into the small uptrend channel.

Elliott Wave chart of S&P 500

Are we heading to 1330s ?

Warren Buffett on US economy, Fannie Freddie, Oil

Warren Buffett appeared on CNBC Friday morning and spoke on various topics covering US economy, Fannie/Freddie, Housing, Financial companies, Inflation, Oil etc.

Excerpts below:

* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-Buffett says due to implicit government backing, the two GSEs could borrow without the usual checks and balances. Then needed to keep earnings growing to keep stock market happy and turned to accounting to do it. Agrees they are "too big to fail." Buffett says they would have been gone a long time ago if the government hadn't been behind them. He thinks Freddie and Fannie will survive but shareholders could "lose a lot of money."

*Buffett says that while Fannie and Freddie have looked for cash from the private sector, it won't be enough to save them. Government will have to step in.

*Oil Sands-Asked if he's interested in investing in oil sands, he said no, but that the information he learned about the industry has been filed away and could become useful at some point in the future.

*Economy -he repeats his view that the negative ripples will continue to spread for awhile. He sees no "early end" to the problems although they will end eventually.

*Oil-Asked about the oil market, Buffett says demand and supply for crude has changed significantly in the past five years. He thinks Boone Picken's energy plan is "on the right track" and warns that the world can not keep increasing its demand for oil.

* Dollar-Buffett says he has no bets against the U.S. dollar right now and no direct currency plays. he also notes that stocks are generally more attractive now than they were a year ago.

*Inflation-The Fed "has real problems on inflation." Some Berkshire businesses are being squeezed on prices. For example, carpet manufacturing involves a lot of oil. The price of making carpets keeps going up, but it's hard to pass those costs on to consumers due to weak spending. Wholesale prices will "have to" show up in consumer prices. Once inflation is "ignited" it gets difficult to bring it under control.

*Would Buffett buy additional shares in the financials he already owns like American Express and Wells Fargo if prices come down? Is he buying shares now? Buffett replies that he has indeed been buying shares in one of those two names lately, but won't say which one. He points out that both companies were both started by the same people.

*Buffett repeats his belief that a windfall profits tax on oil doesn't make any sense, despite the fact that his favored candidate, Barack Obama, has expressed support for such a tax. He notes that no one is calling for a tax on other commodities that have gone up in price like soybeans. The oil companies are an easy target.

*Financial Firms-Buffett says it's possible there could be another financial firm implosion along the lines of Bear Stearns, but it would be "inappropriate" to comment on any specific companies right now because it could undermine confidence. He notes that while it is hard to find the sources, rumor-mongers should be punished.

*Housing-Buffett predicts housing market recovery will take some time, probably years. "A lot of blame to go around." The market won't really come back until you get to a normal inventory of unsold homes. No interest right now in buying any homebuilder stocks. They still have plenty of problems.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lehman acquisition by Korean Development bank

SEOUL (Reuters) - State-run Korea Development Bank said on Friday Lehman Brothers was one of its options for acquisitions, reviving expectations that the U.S. investment bank might still bring in a large investor.

"We are studying a number of options and are open to all possibilities, which could include (buying) Lehman," a KDB spokesman said.

KDB said it was open to mergers or acquisitions of both domestic and foreign companies to beef up its weak areas as the government was aiming to privatize it by 2012.


Comment: Chances of this acquisition going through is very high.
I am long Lehman as of this morning. Planning to sell the stock near 17s.
This is the required stimulus to push the market above 1300.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ambac shares jump as S&P removes it from negative credit watch

Here is the news article:

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Ambac Financial Group Inc. rose sharply Friday morning after ratings agency Standard & Poor's took the bond insurer off a negative credit watch. Ambac's critical financial strength rating was cut earlier this year by S&P to "AA" from "AAA," the highest rating available. Maintaining strong financial strength ratings is important for bonds insurers ability to generate new business.

Ambac Financial Group Inc (ABK) chart

I have tried to explain the ABK TA chart action in simple layman terms. Please click on chart for sharper image. ABK, MBI and PMI are all getting positive action. I am owning this stock as of yesterday and added more today. I would like to see ABK close above $6. That would be a very positive step and would indicate new buyer interest.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I love Subprime

Oil chart and future price direction

(Click on chart for sharper image.)
The chart shows the 60-min view of oil (USO used as proxy).
It has been in a constant decline since the last peak.
The Trend lines nicely capture the price action of Oil. Unless Oil breaks above this trend line; future action would be always downwards. Till then, you can either play bounces between the two trend lines.

On a longer term- Daily chart; USO is very close to the 200 day EMA which should act as a long-term support.
I would really like Oil to hold the 200 EMA and then break out of this trend line to consider it worthwhile.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

US bank writedowns since 2007

US Bank writedowns since 2007 on Financial Times.
Citibank leads the way with $54.6 billion in writedowns.
Merrill Lynch at $51.8 billion.
Morgan Stanley at $14.4 billion
JP Morgan at $12.8 billion
Goldman Sachs at $ 3.8 billion
Poor Bear Stearns at $3.2 Billion
As the liquidity squeeze continues and house prices fall, more witedowns will be on the way...

It is impossible yet to know the full damage from the credit crisis. Bank writedowns are estimated at $476bn by the International Institute of Finance. This is still less than the $600bn of US bank failures in the savings and loans crisis of the early 1990s but $1,600bn has been cut from the global market capitalisation of banks.

Many bankers think the eventual bill will top the S&L crisis, although it may cause less financial harm than the Scandinavian and Japanese banking crises of the 1990s. But, whatever the ultimate bill, the impact on investment banking and financial regulation will be profound. “This has been a very deep and unusual crisis that involves the unwinding of a decade of excess.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Euro biggest drop in 8 years- Dollar benefits

Euro had the biggest fall in 8 years. This was after ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said economic growth will be ``particularly weak'' through the third quarter. People don't like surprises and it was was reflected in the reaction to the news. The Euro/FXE broke the 200 EMA. And the Dollar broke above the 200 EMA. This was more pronounced in the prices of Oil which has been only going down. The Dollar also broke through a downtrend line that was in place.

The Dollar is also benefiting from a lot of heavy inflows. The easy trade of 2008 of being Long-Euro and Short-Dollar is unwinding furiously.
In recent past, we have seen many top investors like Marc Faber, Dennis Gartner shying away from commodities. Overall this will all help the US Stock market.

Oil/USO is a little bit away from the 200 EMA. You should expect a bounce from this moving average. At that time, we will be again seeing the Long-Euro/Short Dollar trade playing out.

Marc Faber goes Long on Dollar

Investor Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report gives Bloomberg interview. He has been bearish on the US dollar for a long time and this is a dramatic shift from his earlier stance. Interesting interview.


* Believes Global economy is in a recession

*Long the Dollar. Selling the Euro. Tightening of global liquidity relatively speaking.

* Weak demand in US leads to lower imports, higher oil prices tightens global liquidity and hence strengthens the dollar.

* Prefers US stocks.

* Dollar rally can continue for the next 3-6 months i.e. second half of 2008.

* Europeans have to cut because economy is more weaker than perceived and they will have to cut. US economy better in relative terms.

* Seven year commodity run going on.

* Commodities will continue going down in second-half of 2008.

* Avoiding commodities, steels etc. That was favorite trade of last 2 years and should be avioded.

Watch video

Thursday, August 7, 2008

S&P 500 updated technical chart

Here is the updated chart. We are back at the lower trendline after breaking out yesterday. Proves this market is very good at having wild swings and why many are having a tough time judging this market. The important point to note here is that the FED day lows are still intact. Also, the bottom TL has provided support for the past two times. Will it break on the third try? Well, it is anyone's guess. Till then, I will be watching this chart closely for next actions.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

S&P 500 -broke resistance

The second option that I laid out yesterday played out very well. That is down or flat in the open and then a big rally. I think we are headed to 1320-1340 range till this rally is over. That will be close to about 600-700 points on Dow. Enjoy the rally and don't short at this time. I am fully loaded on the long side. Check RIMM, AAPL, WMT, SHLD. Also, there is too much of negativity around commodities. Expect commodities to help this rally. So, all the Agris, Coals, Steels and maybe oil will help the rally. Note Oil doesn't have to continually fall. It can be either flat or slightly up to help the markets.
Attached is S&P 500 chart -note we moved above the dotted downtrend line. You should turn into a bear only if and only if yesterday's low is taken out.

Dennis Gartman expects below $80 oil

Dennis Gartman publisher of the famous 'Gartman Letter 'was on CNBC this morning. He is one of the best traders on commodities.

Highlights of interview:

* Completely out of oil. Doesn't even trade oil.

* "The volatility has been up $3, down $3, taking all the professionals that you know out. Whether you were bullish, whether you were bearish, you were getting stomped on both sides," he said. "I don't think we're going to see the end of this volatility for quite some time but I think we've seen the end of the bull market."

* "I don't think you're going to see crude oil go back above $145 again for quite some period of time," he said. "I think you go a lot lower."

* Asked if the price could fall below $80, Gartman said, "Oh yeah, sure."

* "I am so frightened of what's going on, I'm still staying away," Gartman said. "There are other places to go trade, other things that I'm doing. I'll leave people who are either far wiser or far dumber than I" to trade oil.

CNBC Video here

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Earnings estimates

Business Week has a good interface to track earnings estimates. Move your cursor over a specific estimate and it will show you the current estimate (high, low, consensus) and the actual earnings. They also list the reaction to the earnings. A link to save:

S&P 500 slightly above resistance- After Fed minutes

The FED held rates steady at 2%. They had one dissent and it is always Fisher.
Nice action into the close. We have slightly sliced thru the resistance line. We have got very overbought at this time. So, we can either get a gap-up in the morning that will get faded during the day. OR we will open flat or down and get back in the triangle and test for a few days before eventually breaking out. The second scenario is very bullish.