US Bank writedowns since 2007 on Financial Times.
Citibank leads the way with $54.6 billion in writedowns.
Merrill Lynch at $51.8 billion.
Morgan Stanley at $14.4 billion
JP Morgan at $12.8 billion
Goldman Sachs at $ 3.8 billion
Poor Bear Stearns at $3.2 Billion
As the liquidity squeeze continues and house prices fall, more witedowns will be on the way...
It is impossible yet to know the full damage from the credit crisis. Bank writedowns are estimated at $476bn by the International Institute of Finance. This is still less than the $600bn of US bank failures in the savings and loans crisis of the early 1990s but $1,600bn has been cut from the global market capitalisation of banks.
Many bankers think the eventual bill will top the S&L crisis, although it may cause less financial harm than the Scandinavian and Japanese banking crises of the 1990s. But, whatever the ultimate bill, the impact on investment banking and financial regulation will be profound. “This has been a very deep and unusual crisis that involves the unwinding of a decade of excess.
Ten Economic Questions for 2025
5 hours ago
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