Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Market update

As of Monday-Dow down 108 points and Nasdaq down 25 points.
This is the start of the first round of retreats. More to come on the way. Also check ^VIX- showing first rounds of reversal.

DRYS keeps going up even though the market retreated. The shippers follow the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) more closely than the general US markets. It is best to stay away from shorting them. TBSI, which is in the same sector tacked on a good 6+ yesterday.

Picked up ANW yesterday at 40.90 and 43.09. 43 was the previous high. Had an excellent close at 45.07. That was a good 7% intraday return. I expect it to run to mid-45s today. If it breaks 46, this will reach 55+.
ANW-Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc. is a marine fuel logistics company that physically supplies and markets refined marine fuel and lubricants to ships in port and at sea.

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